Updated: March 13, 2022 – Seeking Mentorship
Estimated reading time: 2 minutes
In our life journey, having positive people around us enriches and enhances our thinking and personal growth. I was fortunate to have mentors along the way from many backgrounds and are disciplinary.
Seeking mentorship or help is not a sign of weakness, but it is a sign of wisdom and humbleness. No one should do this alone. Someone with experience can easily spot a blunder without wasting a lot of time and money, which is useful here.

Looking back at my journey, I could have prevented some of my biggest mistakes if an experienced mentor steered me toward a better direction before I embarked on making significant errors.
Every time meet up with great people, I felt inspired, energised and motivated. I recharge my mental mind completely. Over time, I could be able to pick the skills to self motivate and motivate mentees.
Many a time, I didn’t know what to do, when to do it, how to do it, why do it, etc. And that’s where a mentor helps. From start to finish, a mentor ensures I get started in my personal and professional growth. Please accept my heartfelt gratitude to all my mentors for all the support and motivation.
Reading memoirs of ultimate mentors is another way for me to seek mentorship. Jim Rohn shared once, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” And, if you spend your time reading books of your mentors, you are likely to become successful, more prosperous, and smarter, just like they are.
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As a blogger and stay-at-home Mom, this thought has entered my mind lately. Seeking out a mentor seems like a great idea, especially since I’m at home majority of the time. As I tell my kids, we don’t stop learning until the day we die.
Mentor is the ultimate and one of the most powerful person that can shape and lead your life for the better. I’m glad you have taken the right step towards it.