Updated: March 15, 2022 – Leadership From A Distance
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
In this new normal, face-to-face communication becomes a real challenge for you with your staff. Need to show the way forward and instil a sense of energy and inspiration.
You need to make sure that you can translate visions into concrete and sensible action plans and implement those programs.
So just a simple call and saying hello would mean the world to them. However, it doesn’t have to be work-related, such as personal growth, family, opportunity, recreation, financial planning etc. that will bring value to their life.
Four key concepts that I find to be useful when leading people in the new normal:
1. Inform
2. Connect
3. Guide
4. Unite
For me, the last piece of the jigsaw in your life from a distance is a mentor. When everything gets stuck and can’t think of a solution, seeking help from a mentor is crucial to take your life to the next level.
Finding the right mentor is not a secret to success—it’s as straightforward as essential. Learning from someone older, wiser, and more experienced is an invaluable business opportunity when you are halfway through your career.
As you slip into the day-to-day routine of working life, it’s easy to get lost in the moment; the problem can be six inches from your face, and a mentor can be the person to reset things so you can look at your career and growth from a new perspective.

Some influential mentors are always on the lookout for talented young mentees, because mentors cannot find enough of them. So, to develop a reputation as someone who is teachable, curious, motivated, talented, and above all, well balanced and reliable, is the single best way to attract a mentor. Is like to attract butterflies; you need to grow beautiful and healthy flowers in your own garden.
Mentor provide missing pieces of a situational jigsaw or clarify the implications of alternative courses of action. Under this new normal, it is leadership from a distance.
‘It’s not finding a mentor, and you will do well. It’s doing well, and a mentor will find you.’—Sheryl Sandberg.

#VeterinarianIndonesia #UnitedKingdom #Lifestyle #mentorship #mentoring #mentor #work
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