Updated: March 13, 2022 – Daniel Ng – Investor, Developer, Author
The two biggest hurdles for most property investors and developers are finding the right deals for investment. This needs to be attractive and that the ‘numbers stack up’ and getting hold of enough fund to secure the property.
Daniel HY (Ng is pronounced as ‘Erng’) or simply Daniel Ng is an Investor, a Property Developer and an Author of Thunderclap Armour (UK) Limited.
He is a Malaysian veterinarian working in Indonesia, and went to the University Putra of Malaysia in Serdang. As a foreigner, Daniel has invested in UK properties since 2013 when he discovered that his pension, savings and income then would not provide for him in quite the way he hoped.

Why UK? Property investing is a smart way to get some really great returns when you know what you are doing. Daniel doesn’t believe on average. He strives to help you do the same, makes it easier for you. Life is short!

About Thunderclap Armour’s Vision
We registered Thunderclap Armour (UK) Limited on 7th January 2019, under the Registrar of Companies for England and Wales
The two biggest hurdles for most property investors and developers are simply:
- Finding the right deals for the investment which is attractive and that the ‘numbers stack up’.
- Getting hold of enough money to secure the property.
In the context, you are going to look differently and adopt the right mindset so that you will find an opportunity. Worried about your investment will go nowhere? So we will address your fears and concerns and answering your pain points. Also, the challenges that you are facing, by providing an opportunity to benefit you from working together.
As a property investor, you get to benefit from enlarging your portfolio and getting a significantly better return than they would have done had they left that money in a bank or building society, and they’re not riding the volatile of the stock market which, as we know, can go up and down.
It is important here that we understand that property is a business because Thunderclap Armour (UK) Limited isn’t really for accidental landlords and people who are a sort of dabbling at the periphery of the property. This is for you if you are serious about running this as a business and taking it forward professionally with professional teams and advisers.
Want to invest in properties but don’t know how?
There are ways of building your property portfolio. So, even if you are a beginner, there are possibilities for you. We are here to change people’s life. Bring their life into a more meaningful circumstance.
Benefits you will get:
- Education and information on property investment as a foreigner. The do’s and don’ts. What are the pitfalls to avoid?
- A better return of your investment with a clear roadmap.
- Structure your financial planning with a solid strategy in your property investment journey.